
Posted: February 25, 2007 in ~MySev~

Everyone here at home’s in bed now. It’s already 3 in the morning, but I’m still here typing away in front of my computer. It’s funny, really. For a person who always complains of not getting enough sleep, I should really be snuggled under my covers by this time. I don’t have anything to work on and I could actually take advantage of the free time to rest. But I’m not. I can’t. It’s all because of the simple reason that everytime I lie down, I just end up wide awake, tossing and turning in bed. o_O;;

So yes, here I am, trying to tire my eyes by surfing the net. Noone seems to be online Yahoo Messenger. I’m running out of sites to visit, and friendster is starting to get boring. Whoopeedoo. The internet is slowly becoming boring. Either that, or I’m just starting to get tired of the whole internet routine.

I’m more convinced in thinking that it’s just the latter though.

I guess that’s one of the reasons why I don’t go online as much anymore. For someone who used to drown himself online, literally 24/7, I’ve actually managed to cut down my net-cravings. Perhaps I’ve just become more disciplined with balancing my time. I guess so. With all the things going on in my offline life, sometimes I just can’t be bothered sitting in front of my computer for hours doing the normal “online things.”

I have been catching up on my offline social life too. For months, even years, I was pretty much caught up with the “net world” that I didn’t give much importance to my real social life. It was all Uni, eat, net and sleep for me. But lately I learned how to balance my time efficiently. I’ve been going out and have been enjoying the company of my friends more. After being wrapped up with the cyber world for quite a while, it’s just great to finally have a real social life again. ^_^;;

So in conclusion, yes, my life is going great. Despite the tiresome work I regulary get in Uni, everything else is prettly much cotton candy. I’m way beyond happy and contented with the way things are going. Life is colorful and I just can’t ask for anything more. ^_,~;;

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